Collective Agreement UNA: Everything You Need to Know

A collective agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for a group of workers. It is negotiated between the employer and the employees` union, and it covers a wide range of issues, including wages, benefits, working conditions, and job security.

The University Nurses` Association (UNA) is a union that represents registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and psychiatric nurses in Alberta, Canada. The UNA has negotiated a collective agreement with the provincial government that covers the terms and conditions of employment for its members.

Here`s what you need to know about the collective agreement UNA:

Wages and Benefits

The collective agreement UNA establishes wage rates and benefits for its members. The wage rates are determined by the level of education, experience, and job classification. The agreement also covers other benefits, such as paid vacation, sick leave, and pension plans.

Working Conditions

The collective agreement UNA includes provisions that protect the working conditions of its members. It provides for reasonable workloads, provisions for overtime and call-back pay, and mandatory breaks and rest periods.

Job Security

The UNA collective agreement provides job security for its members, with provisions related to layoffs, job transfers, and promotions. The agreement also includes provisions for job security in case of illness or injury.

Grievance Procedures

The collective agreement UNA includes grievance procedures that are designed to resolve disputes between the employer and the employees. These procedures are intended to ensure that the collective agreement is enforced and that any disputes are resolved in a timely and fair manner.


The collective agreement UNA is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and psychiatric nurses. It provides for fair wages and benefits, protects working conditions, and provides job security. The grievance procedures included in the agreement ensure that worker rights are protected and that disputes are resolved in a timely and fair manner.