The Visiting Forces Agreement, also known as VFA, is an agreement between two countries that governs the conduct of military personnel who are temporarily stationed in each other`s territory. It is usually signed by governments to facilitate military exchanges, joint training exercises, and other forms of military cooperation.

The VFA is an essential component of international relations, especially for countries that need to maintain strong security alliances with their allies. The U.S. has signed about 100 VFAs with various countries, including the Philippines, Japan, and South Korea, to name a few.

The VFA between the U.S. and the Philippines has been a hot topic in recent years, with both countries trying to renegotiate it. Here`s what you need to know about the VFA.

What is the Visiting Forces Agreement?

The Visiting Forces Agreement is an agreement between two countries that allows foreign military personnel to enter and operate in a host country temporarily. It specifies the framework for the conduct of these military personnel while in the host country.

The VFA is usually signed by a host country and a visiting country to allow the visiting country`s military personnel to conduct exercises, training, and other activities in the host country. The VFA is also responsible for regulating the status of visiting forces in the host country.

Why is the Visiting Forces Agreement important?

The VFA is essential for countries that maintain strong security alliances with other countries. By signing a VFA, countries can provide their allies with military support when needed and vice versa. It also allows for joint military training that can help increase the readiness of both countries in combat and crisis situations.

In the case of the U.S. and the Philippines, the VFA has allowed for joint military exercises that have contributed to the modernization of the Philippine armed forces. The VFA has also enabled the U.S. to provide support to the Philippines in times of natural disasters.

Why is the Visiting Forces Agreement controversial?

The VFA has been the subject of controversy in the Philippines since its signing in 1999. Critics argue that the VFA undermines Philippine sovereignty and allows for undue influence by the U.S. military. Some also argue that the VFA has not done much to improve the capabilities of the Philippine military.

The VFA was threatened with termination in 2020 after the Philippine government gave notice of its intent to terminate the agreement. However, this decision was suspended, and the VFA remains in effect pending further discussions.


The Visiting Forces Agreement is an essential component of international relations, allowing countries to maintain strong security alliances with their allies. The VFA governs the conduct of military personnel who are temporarily stationed in each other`s territory, and it is responsible for regulating the status of visiting forces in the host country.

While the VFA has its benefits, it has been the subject of controversy in the Philippines, where some argue that it undermines Philippine sovereignty. Despite these criticisms, the VFA remains in effect in the Philippines and other countries where it has been signed.